Monday, September 15, 2014


A Bridge towards the Real Tuwid na Daan

We all need is your honesty.

             We all need is your integrity.

                          We all need is your transparency.

                                         We need is Freedom of Information Bill.

Is it hard to be passed?

This Logo is from the PCIJ Blog.
27 years since the first bill regarding Freedom of Information has been filed in Congress, but up to now, Philippines still doesn't have an absolute and statutory access to the government information in a very easy way. Yet, after many years of waiting, the executive branch will now have the authority to scrutinize the broader right that will be given to the Filipino citizens, sadly saying, the Bill is still sleeping inside the President’s Palace.
Many of the press people and also with the ordinary citizens still remember PNoy’s promise regarding the FOI which this is one of his priority bills if he will grab the 2010 Presidential Election sit. Nonetheless, our President is only using the said bill as his ace card to get the attention of the people believing for brighter, transparent government. We’re hoping, he’s not doing so.
The Philippines is still in gloom just observing the 15th administration of the sagging republic the way it started. The FOI Bill is still in the mid-line of Noynoy’s checklist. It is evident that from his very first State of the Nation Address (SONA) that focuses only to the anomalies of the past president up to his fifth SONA last July 28 of this year, the Freedom of Information Bill is still unmentioned by our dear President. This big-deal issue made the Filipino to be disappointed again.
Meanwhile, in this aspect of governance and lawmaking responsibility, our country is on the pedestal of shame as stated by the Center for Media and Responsibility (CMFR) because of its very slow response to the information need of the people, also to the context of the global surge for FOI Laws. In fact, there are 80 countries around the world – 19 in Asia – which have nationwide laws that recognize the right to information and access to public records. And the Filipinos is now tired for waiting the reachable dream for media practices.
                Let’s come to our senses that Freedom of Information should be passed now.

FOI: Subjectivity up to Objectivity

                Laws nowadays have been a big hindrance in presenting out the essence of democracy in our country. It is quite an irony to see that a country that have been worth-dying-for before in achieving its ideological liberty is now creating a cross-purposes with the democratic values, in order for the people to impede their power in nation-building.
                Reality check: this part is being evident for Freedom of Information as an important law to be subject in this country.
                FOI gives meaning to the nature of a Filipino people in making them as the real Boss within the story of the Philippines, especially in making their way to the Tuwid na Daan. Subject to the lawmaking body, they once said that the government should be transparent and accountable, and also they should simply put with their public service the virtues of honesty and integrity, and this FOI is the key to seek the former so-called unreachable dream – being trust by their own citizens. To gain it, the government shall mantle their culture of secrecy and people can easily render the wrongdoing happen beneath the tables of their own offices.
                Objectively speaking, based on the Section 2 of the Republic Act 3237, it declares FOI as a policy in providing a right for the people to the information on matters of public concern, and also to adopts and implements a policy of full public disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest, subject to the producers and limitations provided.
                In its scrutiny, the access to information of the public is our right if ever the FOI will be officially implemented. The public can certainly request information from the government agencies in which the said Act can give a statutory stands to study, copying and reproduction. It may be clearly a stepping stone for the citizen to see the cruelty in the government, and also, it can make the people be part fully in the nation-building. 
                 Hence, the limitations to what the public can be subjected to use was keen and observable in the bill proposed and signed by the congress and senators. 

History demands for FOI

                In the history of the Philippines, Media has made a great impact in achieving the independence that all of us has been experiencing right now. From the Spanish era up to the fall of Martial Law and up to now wherein press society is undying as  being in-demand  platform for pursuing the interest of the people. Yet, one of the media’s two biggest dreams – the Freedom of Information – is still in process.
                Almost seven decades ago, in the United Nations General Assembly, they have approved the Resolution 59(I) which written accordingly, that “Freedom of Information is a fundamental human right and is the touchstone of all the freedoms to which the UN is consecrated.” It really shows that the FOI is a criterion as a pillar for a nation to be established first before any autonomy of the people, or of the state be recognized.
                However, it is good that legally, Freedom of Information is acclaimed in the Philippines. Since 1987, the established Philippine Constitution that we are using is a good proof that government should supply the needs for information of the people, their right to access and as basis for policy development is always protected as stated by the Article III, Bill of Rights, Section 7.
Also, in time of former President Fidel V. Ramos, there is an Executive Order No. 89 s. 1993 which directs the implementation of a policy of accessibility and transparency in government wherein it gives vitality to the certain laws associated in the republic.
                Thus far, history demands the completion of Freedom of Information, specifically in the performance of a legislative outline.
                Why? The reason is to orderly facilitate the right to know of the citizens. Also, to provide systematic method in access of the public to information and to punish those government institutions that violates the right.
                Filipinos, particularly the media practitioners up to now are longing to achieve the dream of right to information. The old feeling of desire to achieve the historical-bounded law is a worth demanding for.

FOI as an Anti-corruption device

                The race of Freedom of Information is nearly to go in its goal of devolving as a bona fide act and as a lawful anti-corruption device.
                Many years in accordance to the political and economical history of the country, corruption is always the turning point of some of the politicians holding their positions from the national to local government. This issue may bound Filipino to poverty and declination of various societal ratings like employment rate, literacy rate, life expectancy rate and health expenditure rate, as well as the halt in providing the needs -  the food supply, national security and infrastructures.
                Firstly, the past celebrated issue of corruption in our country that has been resolved was the Pork Barrel Scam which many of the legislative people were accused to be a corrupt politician after putting the money for the NGOs in their own wallet. The 10 billion-scam queened by Janette Lim-Napoles made people to step forward by participating in the broad petition and assembly of Filipino people in seeking the justice for the taxes they have trustfully given for the government.
                Also, the latest issue of the suspected-corrupt project of the Noynoy administration is the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) which many falling and hoping people can’t see the acceleration happened in the programs it undergoes.   The other parts of the DAP project was once to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court and make those administration fanatics to be quite refuse their trust to our President.  Many of us think ‘Sino nga ba ang DAPat Managot?’ ‘Meron nga bang  DAPat managot?’ And this make PNoy decides to amend the constitution a poorer power to the Judiciary in contrast to the well-constructed supremacy of the Legislative and, of course, of the Executive.
                Nevertheless, FOI will be a good solution to cure the misinterpretation and misconduct of the Executive and Legislative in making their corrupt steps to be a kind of crusade-like walk in the promised way Tuwid na Daan.
                In pursuit of public demand, freedom of information should be on the plinth of its authority to commence a higher degree of transparency, accountability and can give people a broader power in participating the government’s will for reformation as stated to be an integral element of Aquino Governance and Anti-Corruption Plan.
                Freedom of Information can give positivity in Philippine Governance.

Does FOI is Noynoy’s Last Itinerary?

                Constructing Pnoy’s Tuwid na Daan for our country is not as easy as how we are bridging land through cement and metals. Every phase and every step of the edifice of the right way should have an intense planning for the proper creation of the path. However, in each segment and period, hindrances and problems may be encountered as an obstacle that Philippines should be passed thru.
                 Aquino’s administration is demonstrating a huge magnitude of planning in every bill, program, and work in our country, yet, FOI Bill is in a ‘dribble and dribble’ face.
                In PNoys’ election campaign, one of his victorious cards is the Freedom of Information, and until now, the bill is unobservable to be his priority bill to be passed. His vow to the said bill is that he will going to pass the FOI as soon as possible. And now, he only just assured us that he will give the spotlight to FOI in the end of his term. Though, our President and his co-alliances are not opposing the Freedom of Information, he has not seen the bill as a governmental asset that our law needs to certify it as urgent.
                The idea of thinking the essence of Tuwid na daan as a pathway towards the glory of our country has its own detours and alternative ways, where the ideas of those in the position is taking it as a passageway to make their personal goals be hid. The only way to block those different routes is by putting FOI in the podium of prime and power. Despondently, FOI is Noynoy’s one of his last itineraries in the tour of his six years administration.

                This may prove, that his service of creating Tuwid na Daan has a purpose that all of us don’t know.

P.S Salamat sa mga Pinagkuhaan ko ng Facts:
CMFR, mga News Articles all-over the cyberworld at sa government issued data na matatagpuan din sa google. Gayundin sa PCIJ para sa logo for FOI! Maraming Salamat po. Wag po sana kayong magalit sa akin :D