Sunday, November 17, 2013

Math Will Never Kill You

Throwing back to my innocent years, people try to ask me about my ambition, and then I always told them that I wanted to be an engineer or a teacher with a profession of mathematics not knowing that math subject is not all about the numbers, sometimes it is about finding the value of letters.

Now I am a communication student taking my first semester in college without any mathematical subjects so far made me very confident to finish the semester as painless as I can. But as months pass by, without any tragic mathematical equations made me realized that my capability in simple math and effortless counting was declined that even computing my payments and changes for public transpo made me off beam.

In that matter, I would like to begin this with a conclusion in mind.

By the end of my college life, I know that encountering mathematics is only just be a few scene in my profession someday because my main exposure will be more of grammatical and literary field unlike for those who are studying accountancy  engineering, statistics and science courses they will be much more covered by numbers and calculators at their sides. But I also realized that even I am less enclosed to arithmetic, learning mathematics should be continuous process and should not be demolished by fear and apprehension.

Until now, it is still a logical matter that if people were exposed too much in language proficiency their mathematical competence will be blown out for a while and vice versa for the mathematicians. These intellectual circumstances will never be debatable especially for those who believe that they are born to be the modern Euclid or born to be the new Shakespeare never thinking that it is quite ambitious not to balance the two academic pillars.

Actuality correction: mathematics is now on high and will never go down to support us in numeral problems unless we will try on our own to reach the airborne learning.

The goal of mathematics is to teach us the way of computing but at the same time to teach us in an analytic pattern. Exposing ourselves to mathematics – elementary computation, intermediate analysis and college arithmetic – will lead us to the critical way of thinking that can help us to solve not just mathematical problems but also in life’s problem.

Moreover, the mastery of this central aptitude with a combination of communication talent will help us to be prepared for an enduring battle in any stages of life that will take learners to a higher level of judging manner. Learning mathematics will focus the individuals’ side not to be afraid of some problems needed by more logical reasoning and practical approach to life’s innovation due to the practices that we tried to  some in-depth mathematical problems that will serve as a stepping stone for bigger crisis to be solved. 

By uplifting this kind of mindset to the mathematical perception, it will really help us to be more productive in this field or in any profession without any fear or any state of quitting due to our preparedness and peaceful outlook in solving numbers and values of letters. Studying mathematics showcases confidence as well.

The psychological impact to the students is unquestionable especially if it is not really their forte. Some may quit and some may go further but continuing learning of mathematics will show you the deeper significance of computing numbers and finding the proper value for each letters, and in that way our lives become easier.

However, as a communication student, we are not really putting numbers to formulas but we are placing numbers as figures to our own reportage then letters were not needed to find the values because alphabets have already its own essence for writers.

Therefore, studying math will never kill you but it will help you to learn more comprehensive principles than finding numbers to the letters.
A RESULT OF HARDSHIPS AND PERSEVERANCE. I've got 8 points out of 20 mathematical problems. 

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